Quit Drugs For A Better Health
Why Say No To Drugs Drugs are substances that have physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body. . Drugs affect the body's central nervous system, including how we think, feel and behave. Drugs interfere with the chemicals in our brain. They can cause paranoia,coma siezures and rare cases death. Here are some drugs and their effectt on the body: Cannabis *When smoked causes lung disease(e.g asthma) . *Smoking of cannabis makes concentration and learning very difficult. Cocaine *The intake of an overdose of cocaine stimulates the heart and nervous system which lead to heart attack . *Snorting cocaine damage the cartilage of the nose over time. *Injecting cocaine gives you a higher risk of dying as a result of an overdose . Ecstasy *Ecstasy is an amphetamine that causes hallucination. *The use of ecstasy affects the body's temperature control and lead to dehydration. *Ecstasy stops the body from producing enough urine, so the body reta...